Brittany Black — Edmonton, Canada

she robbed my house, screws everything she can (i was a lucky objector) (seriously) shoplifts every day, sells drugs but smokes them all instead, lies, doesn’t pay rent, lies, don’t ask me what I’ve seen in her dirty panties by the washer, cheats on every guy she tricks, every guy she tricks resets every day, I met a lot of new bros being her roommate, did I mention she lies, when she robbed my house I was in it, I kicked her out a month before but she left her hoard behind and she came back for it at 1 in the morning, *** that I was letting her and bob n (was my bud) two others in, so they threatened, started coming in thru windows and i held the fort for like an hour in a weird-*** Mexican standoff, till she called the cops. now I hate cops, and I thought I had a warrant, (damnit tho it turned out I didn’t) so i fuked off out the back door, really if they took me in shed get in anyway so it was the better option.. they had my place. I fought for three days to get it back, every time I got near the shed call the cops. she took everything from the house, she lies, steals, spreads disease daily, and needs to be floozies back to nova scotia like she floozy the johns she robs., my bro said that the twenty-page essay was too long for readers to hold their attention so I abbreviated. be careful if you meet her and my deepest sympathy goes out to those poor boys that have been so unfortunate to have her leave any d.n.a on them. its only a matter of time for them. let’s have a moment of silence for the ”black condemned bunch”…………..

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