Britney Meshell Jones — Senatobia, Mississippi

complaining about Britney Meshell Jones is a waste of my precious time, but I intend to do it anyway because she’s imbecilic enough to assume that the Internet is a private place when it clearly isn’t. Posting something on the Internet and then saying that it’s “nobody’s business” is absolutely outrageous. That’s like Stephen King telling his readers not to read his books even though they’re in bookstores and anywhere else people can get books. How illogical is that? Her profile just screams “attention-seeking *****” anyway, so anything she posts or likes on Facebook is completely pointless to begin with. Nobody is stupid enough to care what she’s doing or what she thinks about anything. And if people find things out from her profile that she didn’t want other people to know, that’s her problem. If she didn’t want people to see or read something about her, why the **** did she post it on her own Facebook for the world to see? I’m having this posted online because I know for a FACT that the Internet isn’t a private place. De I WANT people to know that she’s frivolous enough to assume that she’s always right when she obviously isn’t. She needs to grow up and accept the fact that the world doesn’t revolve around her. She has NO right to complain when she knows that posting anything on her profile was her choice. And her blocking people won’t help when her profile is still public. People can just Google it or make another Facebook account so they can see it. I can’t say I know anybody else that’s this narrow-minded besides her idiot “boyfriend.” I’ll rant about him too because again, the Internet isn’t a private place, and people deserve to know the truth. As far as Mike Haskins is concerned, Britney is just another notch on his belt. That’s how it was with me. He’ll use someone for his benefit and then move on to someone else. What amazes me is that she’s still stupid enough to even date him even though she knows that he treated me like that. Whatever lies he has put through her head for so many years is the only reason why they’re dating. And she’s STILL stupid enough to date him even though he’ll do to her EXACTLY what he did to me. In fact, I hope he does hurt her because anyone as hard-headed as she DEFINITELY deserves it. If she has a brain cell in her head at all, she’ll just dump him herself, but I’m sure she’s too stupid to even consider it. What makes her think that he won’t do to her what he did to me? Being friends with him for several years is no excuse. I’ve known Mike for a few years myself, and I think it’s safe to say that he will just hurt her, and he won’t even care. I know first-hand that he will because I’ve been there, done that. Trust me, I’ve generally tried to be nice and patient with people for an exceeding amount of time, but it gets me nowhere. If this won’t convince anybody that these people are complete idiots, nothing else will.

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