Brigette Nava — Las Vegas, Nevada

Brigette has been setting bad examples for her children since day one. She loves her needles and junkey loser men. I am sure you all know her or at least her nudes plastered all over Facebook in general. Brigette is a nasty washed up sorry excuse of a human being let alone her children. She will let strange men in her place and allows her kids to be really close with the strange men. Oh and to make matters worse, her “husband” does not care and enjoys watching her screw other men in front of him (slickening) her oldest confided in me and told me how much of a horrible mother she is. De She got so wasted once she s*** herself in front of her oldest and husband. Kids are better off in the care of c.p.s. I sincerely hope she sees this and possibly gets off the needles, drugs, meth, alcohol, stops having weirdos(as your kid said) in and out of your have always been a junkie w$#$e who loves to spread your legs. Your kids are gonna see and know how much of a bad mom you really are. Get help!

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