Brien Dunbar – Little Rock, Arkansas

Watch out for your thieving neighborhood junkie friend, who they call Dunbar. He loves to shoot up drugs and will threaten you in a second. He’s crazy Watch out! He might even shoot you. Oh and if you have a receipt near by from Walgreens or Walmart ETC. Hide it! That’s his day job, flipping receipts he finds in the trashcan for money so he can buy drugs with the return money he gets. Maybe even get some ear plugs if you live near by and he and his ex ole’ lady are probably fighting again 24/7 you didn’t know? He’s probably beating her up right now. He loves to steal her car and drag her down the concrete in front of all their neighbors by her head and feet because he has nothing better to do then be a psycho drug addict that can’t handle his EX seeing or talking to anyone that has a **** probably not even her dad. He’s that messed up. He can’t do anything except act like a child. Probably cause he lost his own because he likes beat on his girlfriends and call them names and just treats them like **** make it two kids. which also warns you don’t go around him while your pregnant last I heard when his ex was pregnant with his kid the scumbag choked her and pushed her around more than once especially doing it because she wouldn’t give the password to her Apple Watch! What’s wrong with people now days! She lost the baby when he went to jail a few day later. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself and Fuking you over. he was just in jail for aggravated assault on a family member pretty sure for shooting someone two times at that. can you say P S Y C H O. Too bad that don’t had out gold stars or trophies for the worst dads of the year or the worst boyfriend at that. Maybe he should quit getting high wjth girls that are underage with him being 33 that’s just nasty he can’t even clean his house you can’t sit on the bed with out getting poked by a used rig or a fly hitting you in the face. Can’t even pay his bills all the money goes to his junkie habits. flipping receipts for a living in the day and beating Up his ex by night. Really in my opinion that’s just sad And pathetic. Send prayers his way is what I’d say.

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