Brianna Suzanne — New Hampshire

So my best friend has been with her husband since high school! They split up years ago got back together! They just welcomed their second child In October by November he was cheating with this ***** who mind you has two kids! What kind of women with kids does that to another women knowing she just had a fuking baby! She’s not even a women I don’t know why I classified her as that she’s a *****! Mind you she has a bf too and two kids who I’m sure have different daddies. I honestly hope I run into this ***** one day! And as far as he goes it’s absolutely disgusting he could to this to his wife that does everything for his crusty ***! Not even her but how can he look at his kids everyday know what he did to their mother! Karma is a *****! And I can only hope they both live a miserable life!

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