Briana Allen — San Jose, California

This ***** has fake hair fake eyebrows give people a fake name (unless you’re a cop) but won’t get herself some fake **** like she needs to. She took a cylinder from my revolver and would play games with me not to have to return it. When she got caught with it being a felon she sent the sheriff’s to my house about it. De she is a homeless ***** that steals and lies constantly. As fake as everything is about her don’t believe any of her ****. Sure there is a reason she doesn’t have her kid it’s because she is too busy slamming in her neck cuz her arms are shot out much like most of her are. There is probably a health-related issue for her being on the rag as much as she is. Likely an std. She will probably end up in a ditch or prison since any time she starts to do better she sabotages it by going back around the same crowd of people she talks **** about and surely reports to her superiors at the police department. Fake *** snitching tweeker ***** lying thief dirty Sloot with a body like a man.

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