Brent Carleton — Benbrook, Texas

this guy is totally f****d in the head. we met about a year ago by the pool. we really hit it off. a few weeks later we were talking about hour worst sexual experiences and he said:” When I f****d my sister and she gave me crabs”. I’m like WHAT THE F**K! YOU F****D YOUR SISTER. he said,” oh yeah, all the time. she loves it up the a*s. but the bad thing is, I gots ta go to da free clinic once a month cuz she f***s guys for crack”. I started to ignore him and he called about two weeks asking” why are you ignoring me, I really like you”. I then told him cuz he f***s his sister and that’s nasty. he tried to explain that his family is really close like that and I should join him and his sister sometime. I don’t f****n think so

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