Brenda Smith — Winnipeg, Canada

This is Brenda Smith goes by Iris cruise. she is an eighteen-year-old ghetto ratchet washed-up wannabe professional stripper, her parents must be so proud of what she does, and made of herself fresh outta high school does she even have a diploma? She is as fake as her wigs, flat-chested to match her flat-long pancake ***. She looks like the zombie Angelina Jolie doll from all the drugs she does or is she’s on every night. she has no moves when she performs and is such a bore to watch it’s shameful. Brenda belongs on the dirty because she is dirty and disgusting!!!! She made a video all over snap gone viral of her getting ****** all over by trey PUKE!! That got her fired from the Bodyshop and is trying to freelancing at teasers now lmao good luck with that. Somebody should take a **** on your disgusting face. She is discrediting, humiliating, and embarrassing. Bragging an ****-shaming herself how she’s a HO, that’s not something to be proud of but at least she recognizes her worth and she’s not wrong about herself LOL She’s so gross and TRASHY. Throw out your carpet it probably stinks and reeks like your loose smelly *****.. she hops on any and every guy **** leaving with them after not to mention she has an std genital std and is spreading it just like she spreads her legs to every guy she ****, for those who banged her might want to take a trip to the walk-in because they caught something from her. De she EASY she’ll do anything for you to throw a $5 bill (low) Get a real income job before you end up as an escort if she isn’t one already.

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