Brenda Shelton — Ottawa, Canada

This old hag is nothing but a gold-digging ****! She had no problem breaking up a happy marriage of 40 years. She has manipulated a man that was always a good father and husband. He has nothing to do with his kids or grandchildren any longer because of this nasty disgusting beast. There is a special place in **** for ******* like this. May *** has mercy on her soul for what she has done and all the heartache she has caused for so many people. She is evil and has no remorse for what she has done. She deserves everything that she has come to her. What is wrong with women these days? Do you not understand what you are doing to someone when you break up a family. The depression the constant hurt. You literally destroy another person that has done nothing to you. A woman like this will never understand because I don’t think they have the ability to feel empathy or true love for someone if they are willing to cause so much destruction and pain to another human being. Stop destroying families and lives if a man is married do not pursue him. Leave married men alone they are happy until you make them think they are not. How can a homewrecker look at themselves in the mirror or sleep at night? It’s disgusting and it needs to stop! There needs to be a law against this. All the pain and suffering you cause should be against the law!

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