Brenda Orellana — Maryland

Wow so to start. What kind of woman ***** her bosses husband and continues working at the place? Brenda does, while working at architectural ceramics she f***** her bosses husband and was messing with the son, talk about a w****!!! No shame at all, of course she got fired from a really great place and has been a waiter ever since because she is stupid, barely graduated high school, has an evil temper and oh by the way she’s a raging alcoholic. Cute right? But she’s the devil in disguise!! There’s more, she f***** a guy, made him fall in love pretended they were going to be together but it was all for his money. Gold digging b****. The guy this is his fault got drunk and almost killed people driving, he’s an idiot but what would a guy do if the woman who claimed to love him, ghosts him!?!?! He lost his high ranking job, is a complete loser but she didn’t so much as reach out to say hi. She is also a baby killer and I doubt it was my his child. She’s fat, alky, dirty, can’t keep a job, selfish as f***. Luckily he didn’t get an STD, but now all she does is f*** guys. Low class s***.

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