Brandy Brinkley Penny — Clayton, North Carolina

This “woman” reached out to a married man, telling him that she was amicably separated from her husband, however, she was not. She invited the married man into her home, while her 2 small children were sleeping upstairs, and her husband was out of town working. When his wife contacted her, she decided to blame the fact that she was a homewrecker on the loss of a loved one, that life doesn’t give second chances. Once she was told that her husband was going to be informed about what she had done, she pleaded to let her tell him herself. That he and the children shouldn’t be punished for what she did. Was she concerned about her children or husband when she invited another man into her home? I don’t think so! She then blocked the wife from her and her husband via every social media outlet possible. I’m almost 100% her husband has zero ideas about what she did or the person he is married to. She seems to think she has gotten away with what she did. There is a special place for women like you!

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