Brandon Trop from Pittsburgh — California

Said he didn’t want a relationship. Was with me for over a year and a half… cheated on me and jumped into a relationship with the girl he cheated on me with… his name is Brandon Trop. Brandon Trop from Pittsburgh… moved to LA. Hit me up on a dating website… we talked for hours a day. He jokingly asked me to marry him all the time. We started dating. He said he “didn’t want anything serious” but we took trips together, he got a hotel room for my birthday (year 1). Planned a surprise party for year 2. We were together for over a year and a half. He goes back home to PA for the holidays and just disappears. I figure things ended. Then he shows back up months later after some b******* 10 day meditation camp to tell me he ghosted me because he cheated on me… Mr. “Doesn’t want a relationship” is now in a relationship with the girl he cheated on me with. He has (or had) a law degree… I wonder if he will try to sue me.

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