Brandon Joel Callahan – North Carolina

My husband Brandon Joel Callahan of 3208 Red Berry Dr. Wilmington N.C. 3/3/1980 . 1(910) 799-4953is a complete and total lier and cheat. My husband a total jerk and drug addict has lied cheated stolen made our family homeless, gave our own daughter up trying to get out of his own father hood so he can go and cheat, after I was pregnant he acted like I didn’t exist and wouldn’t pay me the time of day and was so mean to me it was unbearable he even hit and left me homeless all this after years off asking me to get married and have baby’stlling me he wanted to get old toghty. He then moved right up his crack head momma s dress. Beware of him a total ******* son of a w**** monster.

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