Brain Beutler — Regina, Canada

Watch out ladies he’s south now, Grenfell, he’s a mooch, lives off women, mentally and financially abuses women, he comes off as charming, then moves in, with no consent lives off and targets singles mothers, he works [REDACTED], but be warned, he’s not safe, he has the education in psychology, so he’s very aware of what he’s doing when he’s doing it, 2 failed marriages and 1 common law marriage, ladies don’t fall for sad stories, he’s now living off his 80-year-old parents, this is just a warning

1 thought on “Brain Beutler — Regina, Canada

  1. Yep, he looks the part. It’s a shame someone as old as he doesn’t have his **** together and has to depend on his elderly parents. That should be a red flag on its own. The many failed marriages is something else to be concerned about. This guy sounds like a loser who blames other people for his problems. He can’t even live on his own! It would be best to avoid this scumbag.

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