Bojangles — Rudeness

I went to Bo-Jangle’s to pick up a meal for my 2 eld neighbors. I ask the lady working for 2 orders of fries. She said, no these are fresh. I told her thanks but I need the fries fresh. I do this every week for my neighbors. Never been a problem before. I ask her to request fries. Her reply was no these are fine. And shrugged her shoulders and told me. I don’t know what else to tell ya. Another worker came over and took care of my fries. I can’t tell you her name. No name tag. She was terrible. I’ll go spend my hard earned money some place else. *** only know!! No one wants to work these days.. I don’t have any idea how to educate her in the business of customer service!! My rating for Bo Jangle’s is —5

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