Bobby Power — Prince George, Canada

This guy right here abused his baby mama for the two and a half years that they were together. Even while she was pregnant. She almost had him charged with assault when his grandparents showed up and managed to get him out of it. He has continuously manipulated her over the past year that they haven’t been together to get back into her “good graces”. Never works out. He has barely supported his daughter once and isn’t even allowed to be around her unsupervised. Can’t run her a bath or even make her alphaghettis for lunch, how sad. He’s 26 years old and is dating a 17 year old girl that used to be his baby mama’s bestfriend. He believes every single lie he ever tells because he is a pathological liar. Suppose to be on medication for bipolar but refuses to take them. This guy has slept with a 46 year old woman and told her that she would be more of a mother to his child then his baby mama would be. His child’s mother supports their child without him 100% and he goes around calling her the monster all because she kicked him out for being a loser. He has repeatedly touched her and had *** with her after she asked him not too while she was sleeping. This guy is a pervert and deserves to jump off a bridge!! Has two financed vehicles and can’t pay for either. Is so up to his *** in debt that he literally owes thousands and thousands of dollars on top of all the money he’s borrowed from his parents, his friend Jamie, his friend Colton, his baby mama!! He is literal scvm of the earth.

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