Bobbi Elliott — Iowa

All I have to say is she started cheating on me when I was locked up in Wisconsin when she came to iowa to drop her daughter off and she kept it up till may 2020 and it started in late June 2019. The worst part of it tho is that she was doing it with my day 1 homie and he was the one that told me the truth about a month after it stopped. It happend 18 times and she ain’t make him wear a condom and she got pregnant but had a miscarriage she said it was mine but hey she told me he cummed in her every time so she is literally a homie c** trap and if anybody she associates with sees this, you know the real her and if you wanted to maybe be with her I’d suggest not to because we were together for 2 years and she f***** it off because she can’t get enough d*** and after the situation she got mad at me. I just hope all yall see this and really know who Bobbi jo Elliott is also she goes by Bobbi jo west or Bobbie jo birke. That’s it I’ll let karma deal with her two timing hoe a**.

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