Blue Cross Blue Shield Association — Misleading Information about Coverage

I starting paying for a BCBS supplement on Sept 1 2021 when I turned 65. I called United Health Care and told them I wanted to cancel their policy because I now have BCBS. I thought it was cancelled until my doctors office called and said I didn’t have Medicare and couldn’t bill them so Medicare could bill BCBS. I had to call Medicare to get this taken care of because United Health Care said I couldn’t cancel my policy until it expired on Dec 31. I saw the doctor three times thinking I wouldn’t have any bills because I thought Medicare and BCBS would take care of them. Since the doctors I saw were not in the network, they refuse to pay and Blue Cross refuses to pay because they said my plan was Medicare Complete and not connected to Medicare. Looks as if I paid for United Health Care and BCBS for three months and neither was no good. I haven’t received the bills yet but I know they will be coming. Looks as if BCBS would refund the three months I’ve paid since it was no good from the start. The agent who sold me the policy is Beverly Gray from the Pine Bluff, AR office. She should have known I had Medicare Complete and told me what I needed to do instead of just call United Health Care who told me it would all work out once I use BCBS. I’m totally discouraged with all three organizations because they all could care less about my problems. I was forced to take out a supplement because United Health Care didn’t have a doctor in their plan to do a SI Joint fusion. The VA hospital has been treating me for back problems for years and wants to install a nerve simulator instead of fixing the problem. My life has been miserable for many years because of pain. I wish some of these agents just had one day of what I constantly deal with. They just want to make a sale so they can get a bonus for adding another sucker to their list.

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