Blizzard — Account Stolen

So, my account was stolen from me. Not sure how this happened and not necessarily important. What is important is Blizzard’s lack of customer support. No live person to speak with on a phone or even chat. Everything has to go through a ticket submitted to their support team with a promise to hear back within 24 hours. Well, I did thin and we are not 30 hours past and still no response. The horrible thing about this is that I have no idea if my ticket was received, if its being reviewed because the only way to view the ticket is to login. Well, I can’t login because my account is stolen. When I try, it says my account does not exist. Blizzard needs to step up and fix this customer service blunder. If anyone knows how to get through to a live person, I would greatly appreciate that. For now, I am helpless while someone somewhere has access to my profile and data. First restore my account back to me. Second, create other options for people to communicate their problems. I realize Blizzard cannot think of everything, but this is a pretty severe issue. I don’t like that other people have access to my account and I can’t even lock it to protect myself. I’m at the whim of an online ticket that I can’t even vview after submitting.

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