Beware of this nasty creature — Pennsylvania

She works at Mack Trucks in Macungie, Pa. She is married with two girls, but that has never stopped her from being nasty. She only messes with married men from work. She likes to befriend the family of the man she’s ******** around with in order to both spend more time with the man and keep the wife off her trail. She started with a married father of three. They would mess around on the job hoping nobody would notice. Then to keep it “secret” they would meet at a nearby park and make out in their cars like teenagers. It went on for two years until he decided kissing and fondling wasn’t enough and wanted to screw. She declined and he promptly dumped her in the trash where she belongs. She returned to her husband momentarily before moving on to another married man. This man had no children but his wife found out and left him. Kristy moved into the home he shared with his wife and trekked her daughter’s back and forth between her boyfriend’s house and her husband’s house. That went on until he had enough and dumped her in the trash. She then started seeing someone else and moved him into her husband’s home, where he was also living with his girlfriend. OMG These people have no idea how to be married or parent children. I used to be her friend but don’t deal with her anymore because I want her nowhere near my family.

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