Beware of Nikki Marie Gay — Florida

Use extreme caution when interacting with and/or getting involved in a relationship with a woman named Nikki Marie Gay of Jacksonville, Florida. As those closest to her will tell you, she is an unfaithful, disloyal, manipulative and obsessive woman with borderline psychotic behavior. In fact, she is required to take multiple medications to combat this, but you will find that neither of them are working. Once she’s lured you in, you will be her victim for years to come. Nikki is known to talk about previous relationships from years prior in order to pathetically gain sympathy from others including her prey so that she may find the validation she so desperately seeks. She has the inability to accept the fact that others have moved on with their lives, because she can’t seem to move on with hers.

She is a freeloading mooch who jumps couch to couch and job to job, and relies on others to supply her with basic necessities. As a longtime friend of hers, it’s becoming more and more difficult to sit back and watch these sort of antics take place. As studies have shown, this sort of behavior most often leads to physical harm resulting in violence or worse. I am writing this today in hopes of bringing awareness to her actions so that you (and others) can avoid becoming her prey as she devours you with teenage-like drama that seems to be never-ending.

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