Best Western — Poor customer relations and condition of property and equipment

I am Roger Johnson, Diamond Select Member 6006637536108459. Been a member for approximately 8 years. I have stayed at the Red River Inn about 12 times in the past 2 years. In the past 6 weeks, I have stayed there, I believe 7 times. Only 1 time out of these 7, have I been greeted and recognized as a Diamond member and NEVER offered a bottle of water. About 6 weeks ago the fire alarm malfunctioned twice during the night, disrupting the wife and my sleep. There have been other events during the past 7 stays that were less than acceptable. Like, sour milk at the breakfast serving, no coffee cups, running out of eggs and meat, taking over 15 minutes to replenish. Eggs and sausage overcooked. However, my latest stay, last night, December the 4th was the worse. To start with, the previous 6 stays the nightly rate was $76.50 fees and taxes. Last night was $99.89 fees and taxes. I always book at the website relative to the hotel I’m staying at. When I saw that the rate was almost $25 more, I assumed there was a special event in town, and that’s acceptable, but that was not the case. There were probably only about 10 room rented that night. I confronted the Manager when I checked out and she stated that the rate should have been $98.99 since the Thanksgiving holiday through the 1st of the year and that’s what I should have been charged previously. Her answer, sorry but I apologize. However, the most disappointing event with this stay was, there was no HOT WATER that evening to shower and only luke warm water in the morning. I complained to the Manager about this, and she said, sorry, I apologize, their working on it. I ask that my nights rate be adjusted, as some compensation for the less than acceptable service. She stated, sorry, I apologize, I can’t do that. I then offered that I may not stay at her Best Western again and she stated, well, I apologize. Her attitude was much less than acceptable. In addition to the alarm issue and the cold water issue and the higher rate, there are other facility conditions that are less than the standards I’ve been accustomed to at BW’s. Both ground floor doors at each end of the building were out of order, (fire safety issue), there is a large accumulation of bird droppings at the front entry door and the landscaping is in disarray. Because of the convenient location of this hotel to where I perform inspections, I prefer to stay here. Other offerings are in Wichita Falls and a farther drive, in traffic. However, these offerings are looking more appealing to me in the future. Better training of Managers to assure that they and their staff understand the meaning of customer service. That the Manager understands the standards that have been set by the Best Western Brand. Better oversite of the breakfast offering. Address facility maintenance and establish a pre-maintenance program. Clean the outside up, especially the bird droppings. Treat customer complaints as a means to improve service and not just say, I’m sorry. In conclusion, I will not stay at this facility again until I am satisfied that improvements have been addressed and implemented. I also believe I should be compensated for all of the issues and inconveniences I have been subject to.


Roger Johnson

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