Bessie J Giesler – KC area DM

Bessie Giesler – Blue Springs, MO (formerly of Cabot, Arkansas). Several complaints filed with the Saline County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for harassment, defamation, slander and libel on Bessie. Serial cheater. Has sent so many men nude photos around the central Arkansas area – too numerous to count. Affairs started at work has caused her to be fired from Home Depot and from Sam’s Club. Will Lowe’s in KC area be next? She’s an uneducated 40+yr old hypocrite and has slept with work associates and vendors for many years. She finds their number in the company directory. De she can’t seem to grow up and make something of her life. This Catholic Sunday school teacher will post scripture and screw your husband on the same day – a true motivational leader for Christian values. She has no friends and no one that cares enough to read all the slanderous rhetoric she posts on the internet about others – even posts she made up about the men she’s slept with!! She’s gone off the deep end and is obsessed with finding women she thinks her husband has relationships with to the point of severe concern of her mental capacities. She needs to seek some help. Or a divorce lawyer. Either way, she needs to grow up and handle her OWN life.

1 thought on “Bessie J Giesler – KC area DM

  1. You’re nothing but a lying pos home wrecking ***** so I find it quite telling YOU slander people when you’re 20 times worse.. go eat another donut you fat ***** sad that lapband didn’t make you better looking nor your attitude keep pushing **** around find out.

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