Benjamin James Anderson — Alberta, Canada

This loser piece of **** crackhead abuses women, cheats, does not know how to tell the truth, and does crack, meth whatever he can get his hands on. He will bang anything and everything He never works just lives off women. His dirty **** got a DRD and gave it to me. James Anderson your a pig loser junkie. He has started family number 4 with his next ***** conquest and his ******* son at age 50 and has well over 15 kids all of which he does not support. His dirty **** has been in and out of dirty ***** and this womanizer piece of **** crackhead loser will never change. He is a hardcore junkie and cares only about getting laid, drugs, and fuking over women. He treats women like garbage and verbally mentally and physically abuses them. His newest conquest Trina has his ******* son another woman in Calgary has a kid from this crackhead loser, his first wife has 4 seconds 3, and others with random slots. James has already cheated on his current ***** and will continue to cheat lie bang anything that is dumb enough to drop their dirty panties for him. I hope your **** falls off and someone shoves it down your lying dirty Narcissistic Crackhead mouth. Good luck Chicky Poo you are going to need it with this loser

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