Benjamin Evans — Edmonton, Canada

Hey de, This lowlife piece of rash right here is Benjamin Fraser Evan’s. He enjoys playing the victim and blaming other people rather than taking responsibility for his own actions. He thinks it’s a better idea to demonize someone else rather than admit that he’s the true abuser. He’s perfectly happy physically, emotionally, and my favorite, sexually abusing his partner day in and day out and crying to all his friends about how hard his life is with them. Continuously talks garbage behind his friend’s backs about how evil they are yet still can’t see how incredibly pathetic he is. He’ll have been told many times how what he’s doing is affecting the person he “loves” but will continue every action as if he didn’t hear it at all. So ladies, watch out for this low life if you don’t want to be treated like nothing more than a toy for him to use to his heart’s content, told you’re worthless, and have every flaw pointed out to you. But if you do, just know that he will cry to all his friends and make you look like the bad guy cause it’s what he does best. Every time you try and bring up something that makes you feel uncomfortable or try to break up with him he’ll just sulk and act like a child until you’re begging to take him back and start believing that you are the problem.

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