Becky Bedner-Cabot — Red Lion, Pennsylvania

So I had this great friend, well that was what I thought anyway. Turns out the homewrecking ***** was hanging out with me to get closer to my husband. I talked to her about everything that was going on. And admitted during a low point in my depression I thought he was loosing interest in me. He also was going through his own issues with depression. She took the opportunity to sink her troll claws into him while he was weak and voulnerable. She ruined two marriages and countless lives because of her selfish hoe needs. I tried to be a good friend to her and in return she broke up my marriage instead of helping me fix it like she said she was doing. But their feelings were so intense that they just couldn’t fight them. Right. Whatever. A real friend would have. And then she proceeds to tell anyone who will listen that she broke up her marriage and her friends. All the while laughing about it. Seriously laughing. If you are brave enough to be friends with her, don’t be stupid enough to let her near your man. It is only a matter of time before she is done with mine and on to the

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