Barry Aberts — Christiana, Pennsylvania

He will sweep u off ur feet then propose to u then h**l cheat lie and take ur money he uses women for s*x, money , he will call u names and threaten suicide and when that doesn’t work he will threaten u harm.. he has been with me for 3 yrs cheating and verbally and emotionally abusing me, he cant keep a job he plays mind games he has women everywhere we go come up to him and say hello then they give me dirty looks when i ask what was that about he’s like that’s my sisters friend i,m like we are miles and miles away from home how can she be ur sisters friend . he wont let his family no he’s with me ,he wont let me come over to his place because he has a roommate and says he don’t feel right. De he has put bandages all over his face and pretend to be in a car wreck, because we were fighting saying it was my fault, he even portended to be in the hospital having a heart attack while texting me on his phone pretending to be his mother ,telling me what a piece a c**p I was for not being there and doing this to her son ,which he admits was him …he keeps all of his ex girlfriends on his fb that he cheated on me with but wont let me on….he tells them all I’m a stalker and i have bipolar, so when i do find them and try and tell them he’s still with me they wont talk to me so, he can brainwash them and they don’t believe me…I don’t have any of those things ,the only thing I am guilty of is falling in love with a soilless man, uncapable of loving me back, who seems to only want to destroy my heart and my soul , i have given him everything i have, i have put him first in everyway, still not enough , he prays on innocents women and then throws them aside for another after cheating on them and using them up…he has proposed to me 3 times ,each time ending the next day with him tearing the ring off my finger ,fighting over something as small, like i took a bath to long and didn’t answer the phone because I was in the tub 15 minutes and it usually takes me less time or if I ask him why his phone is off when he goes to his dads or mothers house or why he cant talk to me while with them( he wont bring me around for any family functions or to his church ever) he says his family doesn’t like me for all the things i have done to him which is nothing , and they met me only once, they no what he does to women, he says i am controlling and his phone is his business and he wont let me near his phone and it is always on vibrate ,then i find out he has 2 phones , he often changes his number on me after dumping me ,then he calls me weeks later or even a month or so ,saying he missed me and is sorry ,he does this over and over, in the last 3yrs we have been together and when he’s not with me he always calls me from a bathroom ,and when he is with me ,he spends a lot of time in the bathroom so u figure that one out ,I don’t think I have to explain…he has no emotions of love he has gotten in my face with his nose literally on my nose gritting his teeth and calling me names and degrading me for hours while De I cried and cried and he didn’t even blink and once i started to hyperventilate and i fell on the floor, couldn’t breath, now im not young I’m 58 and could have been having heartattack, but he just looked at me laying there and stepped over me and said f**k u b***h I’m out of here, i could go on and on with theses crazy events …but i think u get it he’s crazy a sociopath…. he has even been with other women the in same day before coming over to see me, he has kissed me and star in my eyes and said he loved me so much I’m the one for him and he doesn’t care who no’s it and have the smell of another women’s personal on his breath… he said i was trying to start stuff, he just ate a sub lmao, i think i no the difference talk about wanting to throw up and being totally shattered to the core…I have never in my life seen anything like this man.. and I don’t no how I got here but NO MORE.. he has away of making u think ur the crazy one and second guessing ur self …..but its him….I hope i have helped someone here because one of the girls he cheated on me with, i tried to warn her and help her and she took me to court for harassments ,I have never been to court before it was so humiliating but he was in my bed the nite before we went (conned me back) heckles on my neck and she still thought i was the bad guy…he has had yr relationship behind my back, when he had those fights over little dumb things n he wouldn’t talk to me for weeks, sometimes months , that’s when he had his time with her.. when i would meet someone new and try and move on ,he would find them and threaten them to stay away from his property and they would tell me what he did then move on ,they didn’t want the drama …hes a real piece of work now his big thing is church and g*d he tries to use g*d and the bible to belittle me but while he is trying to quote g*d he say f**k u b***h in the same sentence, unbelievable. he says ,g*d says, I’m a bad person because I don’t have a forgiving heart and I wont forgive him and stop questioning him about things or ask anything about these other women ,I’m suppose to just be quiet and love him if I cant do that then, I never loved him and g*d doesn’t like me….crazy! crazy ..if u no him or ur his next or even currant victims run…….run…he will never leave me alone but…. I’m done being made an a*s out of and i want my life back, I want to laugh and love and be loved again, i want to smile and be happy again I want my friends and family back, which he almost destroyed and I am currently rebuilding…..u may have a chance to get away please don’t let him hurt u that’s all he will ever do ,its all he no’s….good luck!!! and be safe….

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