Barbara Bellear-Voss — Penrith, Australia

This woman has been having an affair with my father for almost a year on and off, they’ve been found out multiple times but nothing to prove that it’s confirmed ie in the act, etc. She has purposely messaged and sent things to my mother to harass and hurt her she has set 10 min long voice messages with her and my father in multiple situations constantly pranks my mother’s phone and the house phone. My mother is quite sick so this has added to her stress. This woman is a former lover of my fathers back from the 1980s who have got back in contact with him claiming that her eldest child is my fathers, where the time frame doesn’t work out, she’s claiming to have fallen pregnant in 1990 her eldest child was born in 1992, so unless she’s an elephant there’s no way. Since then they have been having an affair, which I’ve had to prove to my mother. This woman has been in my home, has caused so many problems, has mentally damaged my mother and my family. She has broken the trust between husband and wife and also between a father and daughter since I was the one who picked up on it and made my mother aware and he made me look crazy and a liar. She was fully aware of the fact that he’s a married man, she’s known this since 1985 she has to know that my parents have been together for over 30 years and married for 20 My father is also to blame for this for either seeking out her or accepting her back into his life. But for a woman to know to seek out a married man and cause hurt and heartache to a sick woman is a disgrace and everyone should be aware of her.

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