Bailey Mattingly – San Diego, California

Ever since Bailey Mattingly rejoined the Bunny Ranch and then quit for the 4th time she has gained so much weight and resorted to ****. Must be from all of the alcohol that she had hidden in her room and drank alone like an alcoholic. Paisley Porter? What a name. I don’t even know how you can double your body weight in less than 6 months but Bailey/Misty/Paisley has managed to do that. She has to post pics from her old modeling days when she weight a lot less to try and gain followers for her new **** career. You can tell by the pic that she doesn’t even enjoy ****. She looks like she is so embarrassed and is cringing that her family will see it. She ruined her modeling career and her reputation at the Bunny Ranch by being a dirty hustling b**** so now she has become Paisley Porker……….too harsh?

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