Badoo — Badoo blocked my account permanently

Badoo has wrongfully blocked my account permanently. They accuse me of violating their terms even though I am aware not.I have been a victim of harassment, character assassination and discrimination. I was their client for many years paying a whole lot of money. I am also a Tinder client and I have never violated any terms but reaching out to other people. It’s high time to boycott Badoo there shouldn’t be any dating site as despicable as that. When I wanted to report my attackers and send evidence in form of screenshot of the conversation I wasn’t allowed to do that. So it’s quite interesting how Badoo must have allowed some other people to send screenshots as proof of conversation. There is no way that copy and paste can possibly be considered as permissable evidence. Then after complaining to Badoo ans letting them know that I have already published my complaint they had the audacity to tell me for the second time that their decision is irreversible. If they will not resolve this issue in my favour I shall consult legal advice. Free Badoo Premium Plus Membership, Screenshot access

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