On or around January 18, 2016, I financed a 2004 VW Passat TDI from AUTONATION FORD MIAMI, hereinafter ANF; after three to four days of driving the car around town, the car’s turbo experienced a serious malfunction, nearly causing me to crash in a busy intersection. One of the components allegedly fixed by the mechanics at ANF was the turbo, therefore, I had the car towed back to ANF in the hopes that ANF would take responsibility for the alleged work and that they would fix the car in good faith, seeing that they were the last ones to touch said components. When I appeared at the dealership I was given a hard time by the managers on duty, Cesar, I, therefore, demanded the contract be canceled and that my monies are returned and or they get me in another car. None of the men on duty appeared to want to take responsibility, nor was I offered a rental, therefore, I left the keys of the VW on the counter and I called an Uber to pick me up. At that moment the salesman approached me and said that they were going to give me a rental because the manager verified that ANF did in fact repair the turbo and the surrounding components. I was asked to return the next day in which I was again given a hard time where your manager. David, snarled at me u201cdiddodon’t you buy it as isu201d. That was approximately three weeks ago; for the past three weeks I have been jerked around o the status of the car; David wants to blame the mechanic, Cesar blames the mechanic, everyone has someone to blame Since I am being kept in limbo I asked David to look into the Chrysler 300 that they have in stock, no more than half a day passed and said the vehicle was allegedly u201csoldu201d and removed from inventory. I was then curious about a Chrysler 300 in the Honda dealership next door; again said the vehicle was allegedly u201csoldu201d and removed from inventory. On February 16, 2015, I, went to the dealership to speak with David because I was left in the dark as to what was going on. I had text David prior asking what were the options available but he did not answer, he only answered u201csee you tomorrowu201d. When I walked in David said u201clooks like we have nothing to offer you.u201d I then inquired about a Cadillac sts in another inventory, in which David responded something to the effect of u201cno sorry, it’s not in our inventory so I can’t do anythingu201d David then proceeded to say again u201clooks like we have nothing for youu201d u201cso I’m going to need the keys of the rentalu201d and u201cI’ll get you the check tomorrowu201d and then he ended with u201cI’ll get you a ride homeu201d. I was appalled at the dismissive attitude and the tone David took with me, it appeared to me that he was basically saying we don’t want to have you as a customer so give me the rental and f*^k off. At that time I had to leave the store because I was heated because I thought to myself how dare another man to speak to me like that as if I was some piece of s*it. I left the store to cool off and David called me and threatened me over voice message that if I don’t return the car then I will be 100% responsible for the rental. I proceeded to call him back and told him that I need the check back and because I was not given prior notice and that it is in bad faith to demand the rental back when I haven’t been given an opportunity to resolve the issue or without my check. It appears that I was lured into the office in order for me to be talked out of the rental and then left who knows how long without a check and a car. I believe I was given an usurious interest rate (27.87); and I believe I was also overcharged on the extended warranty; I say usurious interest rate because I was thinking the interest rate was set at 17.87 but after the argument that pursued the tow I gave the u201ccontractu201d a closer look and I was wrong, it was set at 27.87%, therefore, the total finance charges almost equals the sticker price of the car; in my frustration, I, also called fidelity warranty and asked them to verify the pricing of the extended warrant in which the operator could only offer that the pricing I was given seems u201ca little highu201d; The beautiful part is that on February 17, 2015 I, see the same Passat I have been kept away from, for sale at Autonation Ford Miami, leading me to believe that the delaership and the men running said dealership have done everything in their power to deny me access to this car, have done everything in their power to deny me access to any vehicle I was interested in and even lured me to the dealership to remove the rental from me while they hold my check with the intent of leaving me stranded without a car for who knows how long until I am able to find a replacement. Please stay away from this dealership. There are better AutoNation franchises out there, I hope.

Tags: Auto Dealers

Address: Miami, Florida USA


Phone: (305) 707-0141

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