Auckland Transport — Scenic Drive Waitakere Ranges table drains blocked culverts

This subject of complaint is in regards to the above and over a 2years span of Report a Problem.There is no signs of any progress made regarding this outstanding problem and is very concerning as debris gets strewn across road as a result of these blockages.It is strange to say the least as this type of maintainence work should be ongoing to prevent mess over road and to keep table drains and culverts flowing as they are intended. I have sent at least 6 reports of specefic addresses over last 2-3 years without any on the ground progres. Is this type of problem not considered a problem ? Regards Roger Nixon 0212066070 The only way to resolve the complaint is firstly recognise the problem then secondly fix the problem by unblocking drains and culverts not with expensive machine hireage but mostly with 2 men and a shovel each – it really is that simple

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