Ashton Durante — Kamloops, Canada

Ashton is a ***** dates guys while with her bf glen tells them he’s her ex lie says he stalked her she’s a cop caller says her ex is her ex but actually is her bf still only dates drug dealers then when they *** up she leaves them and goes back to her other bf Ahah she **** her clients who’s hair she cuts her ***** always stinks she lies acts so innocent De she talks down every one saying this that but really it is her she works at chatters she’s so disgusting to get out of town Ashton and her bf is an old Indian man that’s like 45 years old she’s 26 good on u glen Ahha she only with you cause your rich and when u die she knows she gets it she one of the most ranches ****** on the shore but I guess she **** the best **** and swallows every load Ashton YOURS FUKING *****.

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