Ashley Themides — Salt Lake City, Utah

This is Ashley Themides….my (soon to be EX) WIFE of one year and a girl I dated for the last 10 years of my life….yes, that bullshit high school romance that never ended. Long story short because you don’t want to hear about a decade of her being the evilest demon **** in the long history of chicanery and deception; de, I joined the Marine Corps to SERVE MY COUNTRY, and while on DEPLOYMENT OVERSEAS, she starts to ***** around with multiple people. From my best friends from high school to guys in Utah where she lives now. Across the world, I’m oblivious to this all.
Her number is xxxxxxxxxx if you’re in Salt Lake and want that ease.

Oh btw. Today, November 29, 2011, is our one year anniversary. We’ve been separated since summer when she decided to lead an active ***** lifestyle while I was deployed and the entire time since she’s been trying to coax herself back into my life. Today on our anniversary I contemplated giving her pleadings a thought until checked her FB…..default is her in bed with another guy. DONE.

Oh, and if you want the *** vid I got that too.

Please help me out on this one, this ***** did a ******* Marine dirty. ” – a husband

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