Ashley Ruffin — Columbus, Indiana

Ashley had a baby when she was married and constantly cheated on her husband to the point she didn’t know if he was the father of her child. After having their child she left her son and husband to shack up with a man that was soon to be convicted of child molestation. A while after that she went back to her son and husband to continue to cheat on him with multiple other people. She got pregnant again while she was getting divorced and of course had no idea who the father was. After the child was born she left the baby with her ex-husband and never looked back. She kept her first child but gave the second away. While she was still pregnant with her second child she started dating one of the guys she was having an affair with. A year or so with that guy she got pregnant yet again and kept that Child. She lied to all of us she worked with and said the second baby was a suragent she was carrying for another couple but we all knew it was a lie. While she was with her third child’s dad she was cheating on him, too. All of us at work think it’s not the dad she says it is. She is the biggest floozy I’ve ever seen in my life. I will never let my boyfriend near her, you shouldn’t either.

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