Ashley Michael Burroughs — Kelowna, Canada

Ashley Michael Burroughs lives in kelowna bc she has child who she used her mother for everything for that baby and disowned everyone in the family lying slandering harassing not caring loving she unfit mother not a good person inside or out you can not trust her Ashley is a ***** and has slept with more then one man so for all we know is whose kid is that trueley she had with she would open her slvtty slorish legs to Ashley Burroughs is abusive and liar she is emotionally mentally physically abusive she drinks swear she’s on drugs she is not a fit mother and talks **** slanders people lies about them dose not tell no truth at all can not trust her at all she is barbie gurlnprincess and uses people for there kidney takes advantage of them asking her grandparents and people for money for 200 dollars pairs of pants when shes greaty selfish want everything more. She is the most backstabbing ***** ever harraser bully and disgusting person neglected her sister and ali disowned her when she really needs family and sister inner life who loves cares listens to her there for her but instead she dont care if Ali is dead pushed her out her life since age 4 years old Ali and dont ever talk to her ever narcissists psychopath and munipulative liar she is she thinks shes all that when shes not.

1 thought on “Ashley Michael Burroughs — Kelowna, Canada

  1. This heap has *** with married men. If you see her, punch her in the face. A million filters on her photos can’t mask the nasty skin and teeth. She’s absolutely disgusting.

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