Ashley James — Edmonton, Canada

Ashley James. Where do I even start? This hoe bag f**s anyone with Pepsi. It’ll be you, then your cousins then your friends. De she screwed my friends “fiancé” about a month ago for a few lines off his a*5 in the dirtiest mattress. She was on a bender with some people when me and my friend showed up to have a good time and drink and she was so s**t faced talking about how they need money or a f*k to get their next fix. Then she was crying on my lap about her kids. I’m surprised those kids aren’t in foster care yet with the s**t she told me. Then she stole my phone I assume to trade it to a dealer. I tried asking my friends about her where about they say they just know of her and how she has a man at home and she’s dirty. When I searched her Facebook she does have a man I was going to message but maybe he’ll see it on here. She was in the bedroom then and had about 3 dirty a*5 men go in there and come out. If you ever come across this cvnt don’t sleep with her or go anywhere near her she’s dirty asf with her saggy a*5 t**s and belly drops below her knees with her blotchy a*5 makeup

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