Ashley Bly — Byesville, Ohio

THIS GIRL SAY SHE A VIRGIN, BUT YET SHE GOT A GUY ON THE SIDE AND ******** MY BABY’S DAD AND PREVENTS HIM FROM SEEING HIS 14 WEEK OLD DAUGHTER. SHE IS AN ABSOLUTE ***. HAS THREATENED TO TAKE MY BABY, THIS GIRL IS 19, BABY DAD 32. TALK ABOUT ROBBING THE CRADLE. AMAZED SHE WANTS TO BE ******** MY CHILD’S FATHER. WATCH OUT FOR THIS *** LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. SHE WILL TRY TO TAKE YOUR CHILDREN AND YOUR HUSBANDS. De she claims she a beauty pagent *** but has acne all over her face. The baby’s dad is a child *********er ******** her for being this young. This girl is a complete *** and she has ** what the baby dad gave me.

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