Ashleigh Jensen — California

Ashleigh Jensen lives in Redlands, CA. She works in a daycare at the local YMCA. She would always comment about how cute my 2 little boys are. She has even babysat at my house when my husband and I went out to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Ashleigh knew I was pregnant and started texting my husband at all hours of the day and night. She started sending him nude photos of herself to him! She is a w**** who cares only about herself. She has nothing going for her so she think she needs to send nasty photos in order to get attention from someone, especially my husband. She had even tried getting with my friend’s husband before she went after mine. Don’t let her fake innocent act fool you. She’s a home wrecking s***! Glad her boyfriend at the time dumped her a** after I told him everything.

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