Ashlee Traywick — Jackson, Georgia

This is one of Butts County’s nastiest dope wh*res. Be careful who you let her around because she is like a parasite. She will brag her p*ssy is good , but in reality THAT **** INFESTED WITH CHLAMYDIA and *** knows what else. She has giving chlamydia to 5 people that we know of and the nasty ***** is just walking around spreading that **** everywhere she goes. You can find her at just about any trap house in Butts County or Griffin. She has been known to sleep with MULTIPLE peoples husband/ boyfriend. One couple that was together for over 5 years, she decided to spread her homewreckingness and ruin. And is still running around passing chlamydia to innocent people. Ohhh let’s not forget she ruined a marriage that had 3 children involved, Devastatingly. Ohhhh and she also slept with her best friend’s brother who is also married with two children.

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