ASAP Tickets will not refund my money!

I purchased 4 tickets for $7150 from ASAP Tickets to travel from LAX to Croatia in May 2020. Then Covid-19 hit and the world shut down. My flights were canceled, but because I booked through ASAP Tickets they would not give me my money back without charging me a commission fee of $500 per ticket! That’s $200 in fees that they want to keep. I want all of my money back. We saved for several years for this trip and now – 18 months later I am still out $7150. So I tried to book tickets through ASAP travel and even though Orbitz had the fares at a low cost of $5000 for our tickets, ASAP wanted to charge me … you guessed it $7150 total! Even thought this is supposed to be a discount airline ticket supplier. DO NOT USEE THIS COMPANY. IT IS A SCAM. BY REFUNDING ME $7150.

Author: Cacciatore

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