Arturo Cariaga — Boise, Idaho

I spent a year and a half with a man fully committed to him. But he was not committed to me. We met on Plenty of Fish and met in person in June 2012. From their our lives had changed for what was the best. I had found my best friend. But he was not faithful to me at all. When we were not together he was with someone else. De he was always womanizing someone. Recently I got an email from someone saying that she had been in a relationship with him since November. This is a time that we were together. He was telling me that he was going to be buying me an engagement ring and that we would be getting married. He promised me a family. That 2014 was our year and a promise of a new life and a new journey together. Nothing but lies. Don’t invest your time in this man. He does not know what a relationship means. He cannot stand to be alone for a minute. If he is he will pick up the phone and start texting another woman. Oh and he has a text of my name on his wrist.

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