Ariel Hudgins — Monticello, Arkansas

This little ***** works at Walmart. She went after a manager who had literally just gotten married a few months ago. She had just had a baby herself and the dad wasn’t in the picture. I’m assuming she was trying to find a new daddy with some good money to take care of her little *******. Not only was she texting this married man trying to break up his marriage and get with him while his own wife was pregnant, he could have lost his job since her position was below him at work. This hussy is as shady and skanky as they come she didn’t care about the wife or the mans job.. she texted him at all hours to try and get what she wanted. When she started to worry about her own job she sent the wife messages blaming the husband and calling him all sorts of horrible names and bashing him as bad as she could. When he gave her the cold shoulder this little **** kept going after him! She doesn’t care she could make him lose his job she doesn’t care about his wife or their kids.. her trashy *** doesn’t care about anyone!!! Worst kind of homewrecking *****!

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