April Smallwood — Jacksonville, Florida

April Smallwood and my boyfriend cheated with each other for 2 years. She knew he was in a committed relationship but kept seeing him anyway. Her text messages to him continuously begged him to come to see her. After I figured out what was happening, he assured me it was over and that she wanted to be faithful to her boyfriend. Well, DE, I know the signs and saw that he was acting differently in late Aug. I confronted him in early Sept and he confessed they began to see each other again. They definitely saw each other on Aug 25 and Sept 5. The only way I could get him to confess was to let him know I had proof this time. I borrowed a GPS device and saw on Sept 5 he went to her house and spent 2 hrs there and then went to Starbucks up the street for an hour. He said all they did was go to Starbucks in her car, but you don’t spend 3 hrs just talking with and an ex-lover/affair. Plus, you don’t go to Starbucks for 2 hrs then go to Starbucks again for an hr. He visited her in MY CAR! A new low for both of them. This woman does not care about the consequences of her actions, as long as she doesn’t get caught. Her actions have destroyed a 4-year relationship and possibly even her own relationship with her boyfriend. What she cares about is keeping herself happy and doesn’t care about the pain her choices create for other people and how much it destroys and rips up something sacred. Sadly she is the mother, and these are the principles she is teaching. She’s a selfish, lying, self-indulgent person who cares about one thing… keeping what’s between her legs happy.

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