April Schoendube — Colorado Springs

This individual came to be pals with my hubby when they collaborated at Red Lodge Mountain in Red Lodge Montana. She declares to have f ***** my hubby “a great deal”. She has 3 youngsters none which she has in her protection yet still gathers food stamps for them. Oh, and also she has a guy, that is a meth head, an alcoholic as well as states she has Hep C.

1 thought on “April Schoendube — Colorado Springs

  1. There are two sides to every story..This is April. Yes I did **** her husband. We worked together. His wife was out of town and he came over and it happened. I was at a point in my life where I was drinking a lot..a LOT..thats not an excuse but thats how it was..now that I’m sober, I wish she knew how bad I feel cause I really do. Karma always comes around and the next guy I was with cheated over and over again, I stayed with him for two years and it killed me every time he cheated..I’m sorry Michelle I am so sorry..I wish I could change what happened because I would never do that over..as far as the food stamps, I don’t know where she got that from. Thats just wrong. The hep c is wrong too..I don’t have it, and if I did, why would she go spreading my personal business like that, not cool. So he came on to me and I did what I should not have. And I really am truly sorry Michelle.

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