April Michelle Turner — Gaffney, South Carolina

My husband of 16 years decided to have an affair with co worker at Hamricks inc. He lied about being separated and after almost a year it was his children that caught him not me. Our children discovered a USB drive laying out by his truck. My daughter thinking it was her inserted it into.computer to find naked pics and many illicit video of them having ***. They were horrified. Being a stay at home mom that is also sick. He continued affair and tried to force myself and our children to let him move his girlfriend in our home. He actually brought her too. This girl, APRIL MICHELLE TURNER actually thought this was okay. Is she crazy. She must be….I kicked both of them out of our home. Later he begged and pleaded about how wrong he was and how he wanted his family back. She had left him and went back to her boyfriend. But as soon as myself and our children decided to believe in him and agree to try she came right back in picture knowing this and it happened all over again. My daughter ended up emotional broken and started having stress induced seizure that put her in the hospital for almost a month. My son went from sweet boy to angry and hateful. He weny from straight A’s to F’s. We ended up being evicted from our home. And 6 months later he still refuses to pay child or spousal support. He got an apartment and she is living there. He told his kids he wants her not them . is this ***** for real ? How can she live with herself?

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