Apretude — Sexually offensive

I’ve now seen an HIV medication called Apretude multiple times in an hour time frame. It featured actors as gay men and couples being affectionate hugging flirting and then was 2 men kissing each other on the lips more in depth than a heterosexual in a romantic jewelry commercials. I am not homophobic but this ad should be on neutral grounds instead of showing same *** or even opposite *** showing those in depth acts. It should not be on a loop as much as it is in homes on our television through a cable service we pay for! It was unacceptable and unprofessional commercial I’ve ever seen on television! It should strictly be promoting the medication without the added sexual type acts. Commercial for medication should be neutral grounds. Not showing affection or relationship status to promote the medication. Less frequent air time I give this a zero rating but it doesn’t allow this option

10 thoughts on “Apretude — Sexually offensive

  1. The ad for Apretude is disgusting and nauseating. I saw it on 11/27/2022. I do not care to watch homosexual men do their thing when I am watching a movie on FreeVee. Please remove the disgusting ad from television.

    1. I also concur. Offensive. Should be played after 11pm so children don’t see. If a colonoscopy pill was marketed, I wouldn’t want to see pictures of anyone’s colon. So why in this ad do we need to see same sexes commiting a known sin to ***.

  2. Inappropriate to say the least. Wokeism is ****. Explain this to your children while you’re all watching a family film. I’m just appalled at how morally corrupt our society is. 😞

  3. I agree 100% This commercial is offensive and disgusting. I feel it should be banned and removed. Shame on whoever developed it.

  4. I agree, this commercial is not only inappropriate and offensive for all the reasons mentioned, but also because it reinforces the pathetic gay stereotype: effeminate men; being in a nightclub; cruising at a subway. Aren’t we supposed to be living in a climate of ELIMINATING stereotypes instead of REINFORCING them???

  5. You people disgust me!! To sexually exploit homosexual behavior like that and letting children see that is repulsive!!

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