Apple — Refuse to take responsibility of their mistake

We took our iPhone 7 plus to an apple store as it was stuck when we tried to run an OS update. We took it to a nearby apple store to have it fixed. Instead the store wiped our phone clean without first informing or asking us. We complained to apple on numerous occasions, spoke to multiple team members, all acted kind but said this was routine. We lost valuable data which was needed for a court case and which was on the phone. We paid out of our own pocket to try and retrieve the data but the apple store had efficiently wiped it clean multiple times. One of the agents on the phone named mocked us saying that we were dumb for having paid so much for retrieving our data knowing it was wiped out by Apple. All 5 agents I spoke to acted as if it was no big deal losing that data. One agent tried to downplay and said he would call back to ask for details and which never happened. Every agent we spoke to said it’s not their fault for wiping our data without first informing us. Apple trains its employees well, deny any and all responsibility, delay the process, act as if everything is normal. All they have done is downplay their own fault, negligence and refuse to take responsibility of their mistake.

1 Apple Park Way
Cupertino, CA 95014-0642
(408) 996-1010

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