— Shame on you, Apple

I always thought very highly of Apple. I love my Mac, which I have had for 6ish years, my Mom, sister and brother love their iPhones, iPods are great etc. BUT I have found out today that Apple is a huge scam. Completely taking advantage of the consumer. My Grandpa passed last month and we were going through his things, and he has an Apple iPad. Of course we have no idea what the login information is… calling Apple, they say we need a 1.) court order, 2.) the login information, or the 3.) receipt of purchase from the item. If we can’t do any of those things, well, Apple has “nothing else they can do”. 1.) I understand privacy protocols set in place to protect people’s personal information. We don’t want his information we just want the iPad so we can use it. Nobody has time to go to court to gain access to an iPad 2.) Grandpa is no longer with us so we can’t ask him what his login is… but if he was alive, this would not be a priority. 3.) Who knows when, and where this was bought. Probably over 10 years ago. (I have since looked it up and it is from 2014 based on the serial number) Because my Grandpa DIED there is no way to access or continue to use this piece of technology. I basically have to throw away their property. Like excuse me? I am grieving the loss of my Grandfather, and you mean to tell me, I literally have no use for his iPad anymore. You’re telling me, that I need to go shovel out more money to your company because you “can’t help me”. As the consumer, we lose. What is a couple hundred dollar to us (which is a lot for a broke college graduate working in the field of natural resources), has a minimal impact to this enormous company. They want us to give up, throw away their product, and buy something new. THAT IS WRONG. Big business taking complete advantage of us poor little consumers. Not to mention the environmental impact. All the perfectly good technology that is being thrown into a landfill… Shame on you, Apple.

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