Antoinette Raye Garcia — California

Everything about her is a lie. She fakes pregnancies, lies about what she does for work and even her education (she didn’t graduate college or university). She claims she has a job, but if you try to visit her at work you’ll find she isn’t there… she’ll come up with lame excuses and backpedal. She will charm you and loves to play the victim, but if you take off your blinders it’s not hard to see that everything is a lie. She will make you feel sorry for her and manipulate you into paying her bills, but if you stop being her human ATM she will start taking. De she will steal whatever she can get her filthy little hands-on—from using your credit cards without permission to stealing from your grandmother. Don’t let her into your friends or family’s homes because she will steal from them too. She’s not allowed to live at her parent’s house because she is a drunk and she has stolen from them and even her baby sisters. Oh, and don’t leave anything at her place either. It will be up on Mercari a day later. She’s always selling and pawning **** and it ain’t hers!

2 thoughts on “Antoinette Raye Garcia — California

  1. I cannot believe that Toni is on here! I met her on Tinder and she had the craziest story of running a company claiming to make $2500 a day and then all of a sudden she didn’t and had some new manic plan which involved her moving. I believe that her Evolve enterprise company that she claimed made her so much (so much so that she abandoned it) was some sort of scam! I only casually dated her after our initial car date off of tinder but kept hearing her yap, brag and such. She acted as if she wanted to get married after the second time I unloaded in her so I knew that it was best that I distanced myself from her. Obvious narcissist who thinks that she’s way more valuable than she actually is. Nowhere near as hot as she thinks she is and her head game is lackluster at best!

  2. I was her underlying at Evolve Enterprises and immediately she started giving me special attention. On day one she invited me over for drinks and she kept handing me more and more where we ended up getting it on due to her aggressiveness. Before I knew it, we were effing every single lunch break and shortly after that, she came up with a way for us to get hotel rooms daily and not even pretend to work. This was all on company dime! Before I knew it she abandoned the company and I was stiffed on pay but I am going to look at it as an experience where I got a free hooker. Busted easily 300 times in her mouth, **** and all over her face!

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